Thursday, November 28, 2019
Nature and Scope of Earth Science free essay sample
Some also use their knowledge about Earth processes such as volcanoes, earthquakes and hurricanes to plan communities that will not expose people to these angerous events. Earth science is also known as the Geosciences, the Geosciences or Earth sciences. It is arguably a special case in planetary science, the Earth being the only life-bearing planet. There are both reductionist and holistic approaches to Earth sciences. The formal discipline of Earth science may include the study of the atmosphere, oceans and biosphere as well as the solid earth. Typically, Earth scientists will use tools from physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics to build a quantitative understanding of how the earth system works and how it evolved to its urrent state. Like all other scientists, Earth scientists apply the scientific method: Problem statement, Review literature, Formulate hypothesis after observation of and gathering data about natural phenomena and then test these hypotheses. Finally, there is the need for one to publish and explain the research in the scientific community. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature and Scope of Earth Science or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It must however be pointed out that Earth science is inter-disciplined†it cuts across all sciences and study fields. Science in the broadest sense refers to any systematic methodology which attempts to collect accurate information about the hared reality and to model this in a way which can be used to make reliable, concrete and quantitative predictions about events in line with hypotheses proven by experiment. In a more restricted sense, science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method, as well as to the organized body of knowledge gained through such research. The scope of science, therefore, is knowledge through reason†and the scope of Earth science is knowledge of the Earth systems through the study of combined science. Knowledge is, therefore, borrowed rom other disciplines such as Geology, which is the study of the earth surface(rocks) and interior; Astronomy, the study of the universe that the Erath is a part of; Meteorology, the study of the weather and Earths atmosphere and Oceanography, the study of the Earths oceans(the four Earth sciences). Geology is the primary Earth science. Literarily, it means the study of the Earth. Geology deals with the composition of earth materials, earth structures and earth processes. It is also time. Geologists search for fuels and minerals, study natural hazards and work to protect earths environment. Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and how processes in the atmosphere determine earths weather and climate. Since everyone is concerned about the weather, it can be considered very practical. For instance, how climate changes over time in response to the actions of people is a topic of urgent worldwide concern. Oceanography is the study of the Earths oceans†their composition, movement, organisms and processes. The oceans cover a greater part of the planet. The oceans have a major influence on the weather and changes in the oceans can drive or moderate climate change. Oceanographers work to develop the ocean as a resource and protect it from negative human impact. Astronomy is the study of the universe. Studying space beyond dearth is important since the moon derives the oceans tidal system, asteroids impacts have repeatedly devastated Earths inhabitants and energy from the sun drives our weather and climate. When talking about the nature and scope of Earth Science, it is also necessary to talk about its importance. Today, we live in a time when the Earth and its inhabitants face many challenges. Our climate is changing and that change is being caused by human activity. Earth scientists recognize this problem and will play a key role in efforts to resolve it. Again, we are also challenged to develop new sources of energy that will have minimal negative impact on climate; locate new sources of metals and other mineral resources as known sources are depleted. In a nutshell, the scope of Earth science is knowledge of the earth systems through the study of combined science which also looks at data collection and research woks and the subject being inter- disciplined. References: 1 . www. geology. com/body. htm 2. www. wcbp. com/geology/conte 3. Earth Science, An Integrated Perspective, Conte, Thompson and Moses
Sunday, November 24, 2019
How to Write a Solid Film Review
How to Write a Solid Film Review Feature films and documentaries are sometimes used as research sources. They are also used quite frequently as supplemental learning tools in the classroom. A common writing assignment is a critical review or analysis of films. Your instructor will choose a specific film or documentary for a reason because it relates to the material at hand in some way. A good review will explain how the film has enhanced the learning experience, but it should also provide an account of your personal response. The components and format of your film analysis will depend on the course and your instructor’s preferences, but there are several standard components of a review. Components to Include in Your Review The elements listed here do not appear in any specific order. The placement of these items (or the omission of them) will vary, depending on relevance. You’ll have to decide, for example, if artistic elements are so important that they should be included in the body of your paper (as in a film class), or if they are so seemingly insignificant that they appear at the end (perhaps in an economics class). Title of the film or documentary: Be sure to name the film in your first paragraph. State the date of its release. Summary: What happened in this film? As a reviewer, you must explain what happened in the film and express your opinion about the success or failure of the film maker’s creation. Don’t be afraid to express your opinion, but include specific reasons for likes and dislikes. (You can’t say â€Å"it was boring†unless you provide justification.) Filmmaker: You should do a little research on the person who created this film. Is the director or writer a controversial figure?Is the filmmaker known for a political stance?Does the filmmaker have a significant background? If the filmmaker is known for controversy, this segment of your paper can be lengthy. Devote several paragraphs to an assessment of his or her other works and establish the significance of this work in the film maker’s career. Significance to your class: Why are you seeing this film in the first place? How does the content fit into your course topic? Is this film important for historical accuracy? If you are viewing a motion picture for your history class, be sure to make note of embellishments or over-dramatization. If you are reviewing a documentary for a history class, be sure to observe and comment on the sources used. Is this a motion picture based on a play you’ve read in English class? If so, make sure you specify whether the film illuminated or clarified elements you missed when reading the play. If you are reviewing a film for your psychology class, be sure to examine the emotional impact or any emotional manipulation you observe. Creative elements: Filmmakers go to great lengths to choose the creative elements of their films. How are these elements important to the overall product? Costumes for a period film can enhance a film or they can betray the intent of the film. Colors can be vivid or they can be dull. The use of color can stimulate and manipulate moods. Black and white shots can add drama. Good sound effects can enrich the viewing experience, while bad sound effects can destroy a film. Camera angles and movement can add elements to the story. A jagged transition adds intensity. Gradual transitions and subtle camera movements serve a specific purpose, as well. Finally, actors can make or break a film. Were the actors effective, or did poor acting skills detract from the film’s purpose? Did you notice the use of symbols? Formatting Your Paper The order and emphasis of your paragraphs will depend on your class. The format will also depend on the course topic and your instructors preference. For example, a typical documentary review for a history class will follow guidelines for a Turabian book review, unless your instructor states otherwise. A typical outline would be: Introduction, to include film title, topic, and release dateAccuracy of the depictionUse of sourcesCreative elementsYour opinion A paper for your literature class, on the other hand, should adhere to MLA formatting guidelines. The film would most likely be a feature film, so the outline might go like this: Introduction, with title and release dateSummary of the storyAnalysis of story elements like rising action, climaxCreative elements, use of color, camera techniques, mood, and toneOpinion Your conclusion should detail whether the filmmaker was successful in his or her purpose for making this film, and re-state your evidence. It may also explain how the film was (was not) helpful for illuminating and providing a deeper understanding of a topic in your class.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Strategic Management in Computers and Internet Essay
Strategic Management in Computers and Internet - Essay Example This will be one of the main factors when considering the buyer's (consumer's) segment of Porter's Five Forces Analysis. Then it will consider the new substitutes in the market, i.e. the no frills budget airlines, such as EASYJET and RYAN AIR as opposed to traditional competitors, such as British Midland. The above diagram succinctly explains the five forces that effect the position of a company within a competitive liberal market. These forces are the competitive rivalry within the industry, i.e. whether it is a monopoly or oligarchy, i.e. how easy it is for new individuals to enter the industry. In respect to airlines the ease to enter the market is limited because there are large setup costs; as well as the strict regulations since the events surrounding September 11th 2001. However, in recent years there have been budget airlines that have been entering the market, with the financial backing of large companies or tycoons. A prime example is Easy Jet. The bargaining power of customers is increasing with the entrance of budget airlines, whereby pricing is very competitive; especially with the rising fear of terrorist attacks. In fact, in many cases the pricing is dictated by the general consumer's expectations; however this causes problems to locations which are not the destination of the mass public. In respect to substitutes to airlines, this is limited in respect to long haul trips but much more diverse in respect to national and continental travels. Therefore not only does BA have to compete with budget airlines on short haul trips, but also with road, rail and sea travel. In order to compete with these obstacles BA.COM has initiated a very old, but winning approach which is customer service; however the main difference is that one can also have the efficiency and hassle free approach of online booking. The following report will focus on how introducing the first class customer service approach will create a stronger company internally and therefore making the choice of UK air travellers. In dealing with these issues of reputation, customer, staff and shareholder retention and satisfaction some serious queries have to be considered in respect to the regulatory regime of the Terrorism and Security requirements in each of its trading countries. As a company that engages in international travel, especially air travel, it is governed by strict requirements, guidelines and laws that need to be followed. This report will investigate the problems that may occur if BA.COM did not have an effective set of organizational behaviors in respect to the treatment and protection of staff, customers and shareholders; as well as the reputation of the company. The most important factor to remember is a happy staff means improved customer service and therefore the choice of customers.2 This falls in line with new EU Regulations concerning the position of the consumer. There are three key areas where problems are easily identifiable for the organization which are; the lack of proper organization with respect to operations; customer satisfaction; and staff morale. The first question that has to be dealt with is whether the bad market name is a direct result of the new policy or lack of organization in the customer service side. It would seem that the lack of any viable customer service will have a major negative impact on the
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