Saturday, December 21, 2019
Seven Habits Profile An Evaluation Of My Personal...
Seven Habits Profile: An Evaluation of my Personal Leadership Style I have always thought of myself as a strong, motivated leader, and based on the results of my seven habits profile I can confirm that there will always be room to grow. There are areas of the seven habits profile in which I thought I excelled, but in reality those are the areas that I need to develop the most. I have always seemed to complete whatever task I may have had in mind, and was always successful in the path that I had taken to get there. When I take time to reflect on the results of my seven habits profile, I notice that I don’t tend to begin with the end in mind. I usually jump in headfirst and worry about the end when I get close to the finish. I feel like I am able to accomplish the most when I am working in total crisis mode, and fail to utilize any time to plan my week with a clear idea of what I desire to accomplish. Failing to have a plan seems to cause me to overthink things, and I stress on minor details that could have been avoided with even the simplest of plans. Even though I am able to complete the tasks in which I need to accomplish, I am more thankful that I have finished and to exhausted to feel accomplished. As a leader, I tent to neglect the feelings of others around me, and instead focus on what it is I think is best for the organization in which I am leading. It is hard for me to sympathize as a leader with those who allow their emotions to cloud their judgment. Everyone hasShow MoreRelatedEssay on Managing Organizations Leading People3213 Words  | 13 Pagesamp; LEADING PEOPLE-BIP2 Task 2 2 Evaluation of my Personal Leadership Style 2 Reflection on the Results of my Seven Habits Profile 2 Self-Leadership Evaluation 4 Strengths and weaknesses identified 6 Recommendations. 7 Goals to improve my leadership practice. 8 References 9 MANAGING ORGANIZATIONS amp; LEADING PEOPLE-BIP2 Task 2 Evaluation of my Personal Leadership Style Reflection on the Results of my Seven Habits Profile The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (1989) isRead MoreThe Seven Habits Profile Results1868 Words  | 8 PagesMy first reaction to the Seven Habits Profile results was speechless. When I start to think what it takes to become an effective leader versus manager I start by evaluating the traits, skills, emotion intelligence and among other attributes of the personality. The next process of my thinking is self-evaluating myself to see if I possess those elements. The video was an eye opening revelation considering what I consider an effective leader aligns with The Seven Habits of Highly Effective PeopleRead MoreEvaluation Of My Seven Habits Profile1732 Words  | 7 PagesDuring the evaluation of my seven habits profile, my life balance speaks of maintaining things that are important to you. I am in a wonderful relationship and work very hard to spend as much quality time with my partner as I can. That being said, I still work at maintaining outside relationships with m y friends by spending time with them on the phone, or perhaps going out to dinner. When working, there are when things can feel very overwhelming. What I strive to do is take one task at a time andRead MoreThe First Measure Of Becoming An Outstanding Leader2222 Words  | 9 PagesThe following will outline my current and future leadership style. To analyze my leadership I will use the Seven Habits Profile as well as the leadership theory to evaluate my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and recommendations using the smart goals. The Seven Habits Profile showed that my foundational habits are very outstanding, in category one and two l scored 18 points respectively. I am a great leader who is always reaching out to co-workers on a personal level to create trust andRead MoreOrganizational Dynamics Essay3002 Words  | 13 PagesGroup amp; Organizational Dynamics , Facilitator ORM 303 Summary Paper 12/4/2012 Abstract Work groups are a normal part of life whether personal or professional. Projects and decisions can be accomplished more effectively when working with a functioning group. Personalities, motivation, and leadership styles are all factors which play into the overall effectiveness of a work group. Effective leaders of teams utilize facilitation skills and manage roles to maximize productivity. Read MoreHospitality Supervision13923 Words  | 56 Pagesseniority or good work habits. An organization rarely performs an analysis of the requisite knowledge and skills required by supervisors to assist their staff. Supervisors do not receive the support or structure they require. And also they are asked to supervise too many people, situated too far apart, and are given too little time or resources. From my point of view supervisor must be a good communicators, trainer, and coacher. Supervisors should use appropriate leadership for appropriate situationRead MoreAdvanced Professional Development21653 Words  | 87 PagesDiploma in Management Studies Advanced Professional Development Contents Introduction 5 Part 1 – Methods to Improve Personal and Professional Skills 7 Management Development Techniques 7 Coaching 12 Mentoring 15 Counseling 17 Stress Management 19 Leadership 24 Management Styles 30 Professional Bodies 35 Chairing Meetings 36 Effective Presentations 38 Time Management Read MoreWorkplace Culture8726 Words  | 35 Pagesactually see, except through its physical manifestations in your work place. In many ways, culture is like personality. In a person, the personality is made up of the values, beliefs, underlying assumptions, interests, experiences, upbringing, and habits that create a person’s behavior. Culture is made up of the values, beliefs, underlying assumptions, attitudes, and behaviors shared by a group of people. Culture is the behavior that results when a group arrives at a set of - generally unspoken andRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pages658.40071 173â€â€dc22 I. Cameron, 2009040522 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN 10: 0-13-612100-4 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-612100-8 B R I E F TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Preface xvii Introduction 1 PART I 1 2 3 PERSONAL SKILLS 44 Developing Self-Awareness 45 Managing Personal Stress 105 Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively 167 PART II 4 5 6 7 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS 232 233 Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively Gaining Power and Influence 279 MotivatingRead MoreInterpersonal Communication Skills9471 Words  | 38 Pages2002). Robbins and Hunsaker (2003) reviewed a large number of studies and synthesised the interpersonal skills that surfaced on most lists. Most of these skills belong to three categories – leadership, the process of communication and motivation. Interpersonal skills under leadership relate to leadership style, handling conflicts, running meetings, team building and promoting change. The process of communication includes sending messages, listening and providing feedback. Similarly, motivating is
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